As a Texas-based company and a Texas-based organization, Colossal and Re:wild connected two years ago and have been talking about the potential for this partnership since then, before the company even officially launched! During our first discussion, we were immediately struck by how our missions were not only similar, but complementary, giving us an unprecedented opportunity to together save species that are on the brink of extinction.
We know that efforts to protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems are effective. But there are too few resources and not enough political will to scale those efforts quickly enough to prevent the extinction of threatened species. And with more than 1 million species at risk of extinction by 2050, we need every tool available not only to stop extinction, but to actively restore species and ecosystems. This technology is allowing us to accelerate those efforts in an unprecedented way.
It will depend on the species, the technology, the habitat, the threats we need to mitigate, and the process of working with local communities and governments. Restoring a nearly extinct species back to a healthy, sustainable population is hard work and requires time. It took 50 years between the first idea to reintroduce Gray Wolves back to Yellowstone and their actual reintroduction. Although Colossal’s technology will accelerate conservation efforts, reintroduction processes require sound science, deep community engagement, and strong political will. We strive to follow the highest standards throughout the implementation of these projects.
It sounds audacious because it is audacious…and that is exactly what our planet needs! With more than 1 million species at risk of extinction by 2050, we need every tool available to help. And with Re:wild’s expertise in species and ecosystem restoration and protection, and Colossal’s innovative de-extinction technology already in the works, we are confident that we will be able to accelerate the restoration of species on the brink of extinction.
We will work alongside local partners and governments to help efforts to recover and restore the Asian Elephant, African Forest Elephant, African Savanna Elephant, Northern White Rhino, Sumatran Rhino, Pink Pigeon, Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon and Tasmanian Devil, as well as the ecosystems where they live.
Colossal has already engaged local partners and is helping conservation breeding efforts for the Northern White Rhino, Asian Elephant, African Forest Elephant, African Savanna Elephant and the Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon.
Since its founding, many of Re:wild’s conservation efforts have focused on threatened and little-known species, as well as restoring sites in Asia, Africa, Oceania, the Caribbean, and South America.
In 2020, Re:wild, Aussie Ark and WildArk, reintroduced Tasmanian Devils to mainland Australia. It was the first time the species was back on the mainland since 3,000 years ago. Re:wild also supports efforts to protect and restore Endangered species in Australia, such as the Eastern Quoll, and the Manning River Turtle.
In Africa, Re:wild works with partners that are protecting critical habitats for elephants and rhinos from Virunga National Park, to the Okavango River Basin, to the Zambezi River Valley.
Re:wild supports efforts led by the government of Indonesia to protect Sumatran Rhinos and move individuals living in isolation from each other to conservation breeding centers.
As the partnership progresses, we expect the number of species on the brink we will work to rewild will grow.
The work is being supported by donors, many of which are already investing in Colossal. One core principle of the partnership is that we are trying to bring new resources to conservation and not compete with others for existing, but scarce, conservation support.
We will together define success when we have not only prevented the extinction of species on the brink, but restored them to sustainable populations that are actively supporting the health of their ecosystems and, therefore, the health of our planet.
As Colossal’s strategic conservation partner, Re:wild will work with and guide Colossal on the company’s work related to rewilding, protecting and recovering threatened species, and working with global and local partners. In addition, Colossal has been working closely with local conservation partners since it was founded, including Save the Elephants, Aussie Ark and Elephant Havens.